Monday, April 11, 2011

Systems In Blue - message for friends of SIB

Dear friends of Systems In Blue!
All over the world there are people, who love our music and desire nothing more, to be presented by new songs of us. 
Good Music never dies ... and ... Good Music lives forever .... 
We know that, and are proud and grateful for our many true friends and fans! 
In the past we committed marketing and sale to the conventional music industry. A large amount of the turnover is caught in the wheels, and then the bottom line is, despite of good sales, too little amount for artists, composers tone engineers.
We've thought about it for a very long time.
We could make a new start once again with your support and enthusiasm to realize a modern and new concept.
We'ld like to know, how strong your wishes and desires are, for a continuation of Systems in Blue, and what you are ready to contribute and invest for this.
We have so many ideas and want to try it again.
Now we ask all our friends and fans, who are interested to support us, to register for our Newsletter: 

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